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Master/Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral fellows
이름 최고관리자 (admin@domain) 작성일 20-09-24 15:30 조회 5,401
[Master/Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral fellows]

Multiple positions for Master/Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral fellows are available in the laboratory of Prof. Jung (Laboratory of Biochip Technology, LBT) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University located in Seoul, South Korea.

We are seeking applicants who will focus on one of our following projects:
① In-vitro diagnostic system based on microfluidic and sensor technology.
② On-site diagnostic system based on sensors linked to mobile devices.
③ Environmental monitoring technology for the detection of environmentally harmful substances in air and water.

Your Profile:
- Master/Diploma in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, or related fields.
- Preferential treatment of applicants for a postdoctoral fellow position

We offer:
- Interesting, versatile workplace
- State-of-the-art research facilities
- Cross-disciplinary research
- Flexible working hours
- Advancing your own qualifications (seminars, workshops, international conferences)
- Support for the scholarship (Master/Ph.D. students)
- Salary depending on seniority (Postdoctoral fellow)

Your application:
Applicants are asked to send the files containing:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Degree certificate
Please send your application via e-mail to: uridle7@yonsei.ac.kr (Prof. Hyo-Il Jung)